Base Classes

Abstract base classes for guardrail plugins. Plugin developers should subclass BasePermissionManager and BasePermissionSchemaFactory, and optionally BaseLoader as well.

class guardrail.core.models.BasePermissionManager(registry=<guardrail.core.registry._Registry object>)[source]

Abstract base class for permission managers. Concrete subclasses must implement CRUD operations (check, add, and remove permissions), as well as the _is_saved() check.

Parameters:registry (_Registry) – Optional registry object; use global registry if not provided.
get_permissions(agent, target, Agent=None, Target=None, custom=None)[source]

List all permissions record agent has on record target.

  • agent – Agent record
  • target – Target record
  • Agent – Optional agent schema; provide if permission is not directly related to agent
  • Target – Optional target schema; provide if permission is not directly related to target
  • custom – Optional callable for customizing permission queries; if provided, will be passed the original query, agent, target, and the permission join table

Set of permission labels between agent and target

has_permission(agent, target, permission, Agent=None, Target=None, custom=None)[source]

Check whether record agent has permission permission on record target.

  • agent – Agent record
  • target – Target record
  • permission (str) – Permission
  • Agent – Optional agent schema; provide if permission is not directly related to agent
  • Target – Optional target schema; provide if permission is not directly related to target
  • custom – Optional callable for customizing permission queries; if provided, will be passed the original query, agent, target, and the permission join table

Record agent has permission permission on record target

add_permission(agent, target, permission)[source]

Grant permission permission to record agent on record target.

  • agent – Agent record
  • target – Target record
  • permission (str) – Permission

Created permission record


PermissionExistsError if permission has already been granted

remove_permission(agent, target, permission)[source]

Revoke permission permission from record agent on record target.

  • agent – Agent record
  • target – Target record
  • permission (str) – Permission

PermissionNotFound if permission has not been granted

_get_permission_schema(agent, target, Agent=None, Target=None)[source]

Look up join table linking agent and target, verifying that both records have been persisted.

  • agent – Agent record
  • target – Target record
  • Agent – Optional agent schema; provide if permission is not directly related to agent
  • Target – Optional target schema; provide if permission is not directly related to target

Join table between agent and target


RecordNotSaved if either record has not been persisted


SchemaNotFound if no join table exists


Check whether record has been persisted. Note: For backends that do not require records to be persisted to operate on foreign-key relationships, this method should always return True.

Parameters:record – Record to check
Returns:record has been persisted
class guardrail.core.models.BasePermissionSchemaFactory(bases)[source]

Abstract base class for schema factories that create permission join tables. Concrete subclasses must implement _get_table_name() and _make_schema_dict().

Parameters:bases (tuple) – Base classes for created schema classes
_update_parents(agent, target, schema)[source]

Creating a permission join table may require mutating the agent and target schemas. By default, take no action.

  • agent – Agent schema class
  • target – Target schema class
  • schema – Created schema class
_make_schema_name(agent, target)[source]

Build class name for permission join table.

  • agent – Agent schema class
  • target – Target schema class
_make_table_name(agent, target)[source]

Build table name for permission join table.

  • agent – Agent schema class
  • target – Target schema class

Get table name for schema.

Parameters:schema – Schema class
_make_schema_dict(agent, target)[source]

Build class dictionary for permission join table.

  • agent – Agent schema class
  • target – Target schema class

Dictionary of class members


class guardrail.core.registry._Registry[source]

Registry of schemas designated as permission agents and targets, as well as the permission tables linking each agent-target pair. Should be used as a singleton in ordinary use, but can be instantiated for use in tests.


Decorator that registers the decorated schema as a permission agent.


class User(Base):
    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)

Decorator that registers the decorated schema as a permission target.

class Post(Base):
    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
add_permission(agent, target, permission)[source]

Get the join table linking schemas agent and target.

  • agent – Agent schema class
  • target – Target schema class
  • schema – Permission join table
get_permission(agent, target)[source]

Get the join table linking schemas agent and target.

  • agent – Agent schema class
  • target – Target schema class

Permission join table


guardian.core.exceptions.SchemaNotFound if join table does not exist


Create and register join tables linking all registered agent-target pairs.

Parameters:factory – Callable that takes agent and target schemas and returns the schema for a permission join table


class guardrail.core.decorators.has_permission(permission, manager, agent_loader, target_loader, error_handler)[source]

Factory for permission-checking decorators. Should be subclassed or have arguments pre-filled with functools.partial.

  • permission – Permission value
  • manager – Permission manager
  • agent_loader – Callable that loads an agent from the args and kwargs passed to the decorated function
  • target_loader – Callable that loads a target from the args and kwargs passed to the decorated function
  • error_handler – Callable that handles error codes AGENT_NOT_FOUND, TARGET_NOT_FOUND, and FORBIDDEN

Decorator that checks permissions before calling func. Note: wrapped function will be called with the loaded agent and target.

Parameters:func – Callable to decorate
_check_permission(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Load agent and target records from agent_loader and target_loader, then check for the requested permission. Call error_handler if either loader returns None, or if permission is not present.



SQLAlchemy plugin for guardrail.

class guardrail.ext.sqlalchemy.SqlalchemyPermissionSchemaFactory(bases, cascade=False)[source]

Permission schema factory for use with SQLAlchemy.

  • bases (tuple) – Base classes for created schema classes
  • cascade (bool) – Database backend supports ON DELETE and ON UPDATE cascades; see _update_parents() for details


Peewee plugin for guardrail.

class guardrail.ext.peewee.PeeweePermissionSchemaFactory(bases)[source]

Permission schema factory for use with Peewee.

Note: Peewee does not implement delete and update cascades outside the database backend, so care should be taken with deleting agent and target records when using a backend that does not support cascades (e.g. SQLite, MySQL using the MyISAM storage engine). In this case, use the recursive flag when deleting through Peewee:


Pony ORM

Pony plugin for guardrail.

Django ORM

Django plugin for guardrail. Note: Define permission schema factory in so that Django migrations can detect permission schemas.

Custom object permissions backend for Django plugin

class guardrail.ext.django.backends.ObjectPermissionBackend[source]

Custom authentication backend for object-level permissions. Must be used in conjunction with a backend that handles the authenticate and get_user methods, such as the default django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend.